Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gretta's Blog Post 2!!

"Creativity is as important as literacy in education, and we should treat it with the same status."

This is a very powerful statement, and I would have to say that I agree with it. A student being creative is just as important all by itself. There are so many different aspects where a student can use his or her creativity. If you teach a child to be creative, then it can be a very powerful gift that can help them in the long run. Some of the most famous and impacting people in History are inventors, and it was their creativity that allowed them to invent different things. If we don't teach children the importance of creativity, then we could be missing out on a lot of future inventors that could be very beneficial in our world. Creativity does not just deal with how well a student does a particular thing, but it is about the process that that student uses to get something accomplished. When a student is creative it causes them to use their own ability to complete a task. In schools, there is too much work given that does not require individual effort and that can hurt students in the long run. You'll never know how creative a child can be if you never give them the opportunity. Most children are taught to just do enough work so that they can get by in the class, they don't feel as though it's important for them to use their creativity. However, if we have teachers that teach the importance of creativity, then maybe we can change this attitude.

1 comment:

cwilli34 said...

I agree with you, because once I had read about how inventors were/ are people that have used their creative skills to create something new and useful. I feel that if we can somehow see each students creative ability and understand their process to create that particular masterpiece, we can then show students academically how their masterpiece, academics, knowledge and skills are all linked together.