Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blog Post 3

Technology in education is a vital concept that needs to be intergrated as much as possible. The world that we live in is technology based and the more that we as future teachers learn how to intergrate this tools of technology will allow us to keep our students interest in the teaching material. There are tons of lessons on the internet that demonstrate how to incorporate Mirosoft word, excel, powerpoint, and etc. It is actually surprising to see first graders understanding how to operate these tools of technology better than their teacher. I believe that every teacher needs to understand at least the basics of technology, to an extent where it can be an effective tool in the classroom. I have learned a lot about technology and still learning. I think the school systems are now understanding that the technology of the world needs to be a part of the classrooms. More and more computers and smart boards are being put into classroom, which will help the technology and education to intersect effectively. It will just take time for all the schools to come to the 21st century and realize that technology needs to be in the classroom since this is a technology based world that we live in. Students actually keep interest in material that is being taught if we as teachers go their level of thinking, which is technology based.


cwilli34 said...

I agree with you because our lives revolve around technology. We are able to do so much on our cellphones that it is sad to think back to when cellphones were actually a privilege. I also think that teachers need to be able to show their students how to use technology, whether than students showing the teacher (which to me is somewhat bad for the teacher, to learn how to use a software/ tool solely by your student) but its great to feed off each other as our world is evolving. I think that teachers should take classes to update their technological skills so that they are able to enhance various skills to teach their students subject lessons.

Gretta said...

I completely agree!! Technology is definitely interesting to students. It almost seems as if they pay attention more when the teacher uses technology. However, in order for technology to be effective I think that the teachers and parents must first know and understand how to use technology. It is just interesting to see the amount of students who know more about technology than teachers. Although, I still feel as though a teacher can be great without using technology. But if the students have to use technology in the classroom, then teacher needs to be able to assist them. Technology is very important in College, and in order to prepare students they need to understand technology in early grades. I never understood how to use Excel until I got to college, and that's sad. I feel as though students should be taught programs such as that one, before they reach college.